Medilink Group of Companies
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Indian companies now manufacture 85% of the active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) required by the country and account for 90% of the pharmaceutical exports. The Indian pharmaceutical sector has made the country self sufficient in almost all the 300 essential drugs through indigenous process technology.

The Indian pharmaceutical industry has emerged as a formidable player in the API and key intermediates market. India offers a strong manufacturing base at competitive costs, supported by a well-developed engineering pool and an abundance of scientific talent

After having worked as dealers, importer & exporters since 1996 we have parallely stepped into field of indenting for local as well as foreign companies since 2007. Because of our broad initial experience with the industry We have succeeded a lot in field of indenting satisfying our principals up to their desire. At Medilink we believe in building relationships for mutual benefit. We are looking for Manufacturers/their representatives who wish to market their products in India.


India's pharmaceutical industry has been growing at record levels in recent years but now has unprecedented opportunities to expand in a number of fields. The domestic industry's long-established position as a world leader in the production of high-quality generic medicines is set to reap significant new benefits as the patents on a number of blockbuster drugs are scheduled to expire over the next few years. In addition, more and more governments worldwide are seeking to curb their soaring prescription drug costs through greater use of generics. These opportunities are presenting themselves not only in India's traditional wealthy client markets such as the U.S. and European Union nations but also in emerging economies with vast populations such as Africa, South America, Asia, and Eastern and Central Europe.

In addition, India's long-established position as a preferred manufacturing location for multinational drug manufacturers is quickly spreading into other areas of outsourcing activities. Soaring costs of R&D and administration are persuading drug manufacturers to move more and more of their discovery research and clinical trials activities to the subcontinent or to establish administrative centers there, capitalizing on India's high levels of scientific expertise as well as low wages.

With Our backing of Principals who are very quality oriented companies, we at Medilink welcome Companies/Agents who are looking to source API’s, Intermediates and Finished formulations from India. Our principals are in to delivering of quality products fulfilling all regulatory requirements across the globe. We assure to prove ourselves as Best Sourcing Partner for sourcing your Pharmaceutical requirements from India with a clear glass policy between customer and suppliers acting as perfect intermediate channel.

Contract Manufacturing

The global pharmaceutical market is estimated to represent a $78 billion opportunity for India by 2011, in terms of:

• manufacturing outsourcing-supply of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and intermediates
• development outsourcing-conducting preclinical and clinical trials
• customized chemistry services-contract research services for compounds pre-launch.

Worldwide revenues for pharmaceutical industry contract manufacturing and research services (CRAMS) totaled $100 billion in 2004 and will grow at an average annual rate of 10.8 percent to reach $168 billion by 2009, say analysts at Frost & Sullivan. Within this total, the global market for contract manufacturing of prescription drugs is estimated to increase from a value of $26.2 billion to $43.9 billion, although the over-the-counter medicines and nutritional products sector will show the fastest growth.31 The Asian region has recently been challenging North America and Europe's traditional domination of the global pharmaceutical contract manufacturing market: India and China could potentially account for 35 percent to 40 percent of the outsourced market share for active pharmaceutical ingredients, finished dosage formulations and intermediates.32

Two major developments suggest that Indian drug manufacturers are set to benefit from an outsourcing boom. First, such an upsurge in business always occurs when a number of top-selling drugs come off-patent, as is about to happen. Second, the arrival of India's product patent regime has increased international companies' confidence in India's outsourcing industry.

We ate Medilink forward our hand to companies looking for Out Sourcing their Pharmaceutical needs with World class Standards from India, by helping and working them out with perfect partners in India.

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